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08 January 2020

YZ Maddie visited the Seychelles for a month - here is her guide to the best snorkeling spots in the Seychelles, the ideal post-safari destination.

The Seychelles has some of the most exciting and stunning marine life in the world, all of which is submerged in ‘bath-like’ warm and crystal-clear waters. Also, as a significant portion of the waters around the islands are protected, the coral and sea life is continuing to develop and bustle regardless of increases in tourist numbers. Before I went to the Seychelles, I had never snorkelled and, due to a childhood fear of sharks, I had never been in tropical water past knee depth, all of which bodes well for living and working on an island in the Indian Ocean.

As part of the conservation work I was doing in the Seychelles, I was required to snorkel to perform marine and coral surveys, so I took the plunge and almost immediately realised what an incredible world I had just entered. You can enjoy a snorkel in the water pretty much anywhere within the archipelago, off any beach, in any season, and be rewarded with sights of giant shoals of vibrant fish, amazing rays, beautiful turtles, all thriving and swimming around the multicoloured rippling coral reefs.

Snorkelling with Turtles, Seychelles

Spending a month in the Seychelles allowed me to experience a lot of what the islands and oceans had to offer. Below, I provide a quick summary of my favourite ‘snorkel spots’ for anyone who is lucky enough to travel to this paradise. Hopefully it will convince you to bring a snorkel and mask, even though this is not necessarily the most practical item to pack!

1. Anse Lazio, Praslin Island

One of my personal favourite snorkel spots in the Seychelles is Anse Lazio on Praslin Island. The secluded beach itself is spectacular – your typical ‘Seychelles beach’, with the white sand that blinds you without sunglasses and the calm glistening sea bordered by gently swaying palm trees. This beach is your quintessential paradise beach. But what I especially loved about it is what was beneath the surface of that turquoise ocean. Follow the rock line on the left of the beach and you may bump into the ‘resident’ male turtle, who is so used to humans that you can swim right next to him, a truly sensational experience. As well as the turtle, there is so much going on here – rare corals, rays, fish that look like they are from another planet, urchins… it’s a wonderful water world that I fell completely in love with.

2. Anse Source d’Argent, La Digue Island

Another of my top snorkel spots is Anse Source d’Argent on La Digue Island. This beach is known worldwide as one of the best-looking beaches on the planet and I could definitely see why – however, for me, it was the snorkelling that I rated very highly. The water is so clear it’s like it has been poured from a bottle – and as it increases in depth only very gradually, you are snorkelling in about waist-high water, very up close and personal with the fish. You really are so close to the fish as you work your way around the coral, but the fish don’t care you’re there. If you are lucky, you’ll come across an angry little trigger fish wanting to take you on, so tiny and yet so feisty. Being so close and so involved in this world gave me a brand new appreciation for marine life and the ocean itself – it’s just so naturally beautiful and so calming.

3. Anse Badamier, Curieuse Island

Unlike these first two examples, my next super snorkel spot is hidden away through rocky, dusty trails and coco plum bushes, but my god is it special. Anse Badamier is tucked away on the north coast of the uninhabited bio-reserve island, Curieuse. Curieuse Island is where I spent my time in the Seychelles and so I might be slightly biased, but I would say that Anse Badamier is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, certainly the most beautiful I have come across. It isn’t the easiest beach to find, but that is part of its charm – it’s a true hidden gem of the Seychelles. The water off Badamier is calm, clear, and teeming with life. I came across hawksbill turtles, nurse shark pups, bumphead parrotfish, even dolphins (though far away from the beach). The boulder rocks and tides make for a unique and ever-changing environment – each time snorkelling here was a totally different experience. This is an untouched paradise and somewhere that I hold very closely to my heart. I highly recommend making the boat ride and trek to Anse Badamier, as it is one of the best places to snorkel (in my opinion) in the whole of the Seychelles.

Snorkelling, Anse Badamier, Curieuse Island, Seychelles

4. Bird Island

Travelling a little farther afield to the outer islands widens your opportunities for some phenomenal snorkel spots. For example, Bird Island offers some of the purest and most natural sightings in the Seychelles. This island is usually admired for its wonderfully diverse birdlife and completely untouched beaches, but the marine life is just as special. Not only are there huge rays, including the stunning feathertail rays, but you can also be in the water with multiple green turtles. These turtles are rarer in the Seychelles than the hawksbill species, but they live in abundance around Bird Island and are commonly seen in impressive numbers. They are amazing creatures, and the opportunity to be in the water in close proximity to them is remarkable and very special.

5. Cote d’Or, Praslin Island

One final option for a first-rate snorkel experience is to head to Cote d’Or on Praslin Island, where there are a number of boat charters available that can take you to some of the best snorkelling spots in the nearby archipelago, such as Grande Sœur and Petite Sœur. The skippers are great, working hard to provide you with the best experiences and catering the trip to your requested sightings and wishes. It’s a fantastic way to ensure a phenomenal snorkelling experience, and in my personal experience – I’ve snorkelled next to a hawksbill turtle for 30 minutes solidly – it’s an absolute must for anyone with an interest in snorkelling and sea life.

If you’d like more information on planning a holiday to the Seychelles, find out about our favourite island experiences below. Alternatively, feel free to call us on +44 (0)20 8547 2305 or send us an email at [email protected].

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